
Monday, March 5, 2012

This is Punishment/ Mr. & Mrs. Sexy Maid

Matthew 19:6 reads "What God has joined together let no man put asunder". "Joined" in this context was marriage but we all know another man wasn't necessary to end the marriage. We have the couple's conflicting personalities, money, kids, and the house-girl. These were factors that could also be the strength of some marriages. Anyway, there were this couple I wrote about in a post titled "Mr. and Mrs". They were the ones the wife beats up the husband. I don't even know I should suggest the husband was man enough (or not) for not being able to defend himself. You see, marriages like that weren't built on a solid foundation so also that of the kids (two girls) that were used to seeing their Mum execute a 10-hit combo on their Father. The guy lost his job few weeks to Christmas day and the wife pulled it up a notch. 

Wives like this were terrible, it was bad enough to beat up the man that paid your bride price but she made sure this was a neighborhood gist. She once shouted, "You think I'm like those girls from your state that allow their husband beat them up, I am not a coward. I will BEAT you".

Issues like those were bound to make the man seek solace in the arms of another lady. Someone that would provide emotional needs the wife was sucking out of him. As if the wife sensed the husband would begin weighing the option of her husband having an affair, she did something I experienced for the first time. She got a maid.

Maids weren't new to be but a maid with this specs was. She had a slim frame with MASSIVE BOOBS. It was outrageous. I got confused, why would a wife hire a maid with gigantic boobs to work in a house with her husband during a shaky period in their marriage.

I can't even guess what was going through the guy's mind. He might think it was a trap. The wife wasn't that nice to reward him with a main with huge tits. Every body in my area have the intention to f*ck that made. One of those shameless married men joked with him once, he said "Na you dey enjoy o. Me I no go mind have that made scrub my back".

But I feel for the man, no doubt. This was a serious lose-lose situation. I have a feeling she brought the maid for the husband to attempt something and kick him out. I believe it was all a trap and the maid was in with it. Now the man just chill outside the house avoiding the temptation inside when his wife was away.


  1. Matthew 19:6 reads "What God has joined together let no man put asunder". "Joined" in this context was marriage but we all know another man wasn't necessary to end the marriage. We have the couple's conflicting personalities, money, kids, and the house-girl.
    It doesn't say another man though, it just say a man which includes the husband and wife as well.

    Issues like those were bound to make the man seek solace in the arms of another lady.
    How so? How does seeking solace in another lady's arms solve the problem at home?

    Hi Ade, how are u doing today?

  2. Everyone deserve to have their safety/emotional needs met in relationships. Since he wasn't getting any, it was natural for find it some place else. Some men find it at work while others in the arms of another woman. It doesn't make the home better but makes him more tolerable at home.

    And I'm doing fine despite the bullshit all around me. Thanks for asking & how you are also good.

  3. Everyone deserve to have their safety/emotional needs met in relationships. Since he wasn't getting any, it was natural for find it some place else. Some men find it at work while others in the arms of another woman. It doesn't make the home better but makes him more tolerable at home.

    And I'm doing fine despite all the bullshit around me. Hope you are also living good feeling better.

  4. So we're blaming the woman now for the husband's infidelity? The violence is one issue but cheating is a separate issue. You can't say I'm going to cheat because of XYZ

    1. I am not blaming anyone. My point was her actions were enough to make the man contemplate such. By the way, he hasn't cheated (yet) but I doubt he would. The wife would so much Chris Brown his face.

  5. Those girls are really sexy. Do you have anymore pics left?
