First time I heard the statement my response was, "Yea...right". It sounded absurd. When you consider it from the perspective of a conservative mindset, promiscuous girls were considered to be the rot of morality. They have an indiscriminate fucking habit and with it comes different exhibit of moral decadence which includes lack of respect for elders. BUT that is an assumption, promiscuity has to do with sexual habit only. Again, the guy that told me about it couldn't have said that without reason and so I thought about it. Promiscuity vs. Respect.
I was at a neighbour's place when the mum was telling him about another neighbour's daughter and how nice and respectful she was. How she always greeted her and carried her bag. Those weren't lies..she was respectful and promiscuous as well. If only she knew her son had f@*ked her in the couch she was sitting. And he couldn't claim he had exclusive access in that building not to mention the street. The Mum kept comparing every girl he brought home to the girl, she always had something to complain about. But when he brought another public bicycle home she fell in love with her especially when she offered to sweep the living room.
I've had my personal experiences that made me wonder, how do promiscuous girls have a way of getting to Mums by being respectful? Some studies say people with low self-esteem are likely to be promiscuous but I believe being promiscuous is likely to increase self-esteem because the human body self-regulates to achieve homeostasis [The human body will not urge you to satisfy a biological need if not necessary] Quite frankly, it takes a whole lot to have fucked 10 guys living on the same street and still walk with your head up high. People with high-self esteem tend to be confident and when they meet your Mum they don't just think about what needs to be done, like Nike, they Just Do It. Also they had met different mothers and they know how to relate and leave the right impression.
I also realised girls that weren't promiscuous tend to be low in confidence, shy, and not comfortable with their bodies. Probably when they meet parents they are busy reassuring themselves if they wore the right outfit and the right things to say. They also read more to meeting a guy's Mum so they comport themselves [thinking this might be my future mother-in-law] while their counterpart know it was just one of those days.
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